Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The importance of GRATITUDE is so real.

I just read a blog post of Ty Cohen. Man he always inspires and motivates me. I wanted my wife to read it, but due to her past injuries, her ankle is giving her problems again. She is in so much pain. So let me share this thought with you while I'm rubbing her ankle, cuz I'm so grateful to have such an intellegent and hard working wife, mother and friend. Its true what Ty said. Gratitude lets you advance in life. What are you grateful for? Im grateful for my wife, my son, Coded Records, releasing my cd, the sales I made so far for my cd, the fact that I have to walk long distances to do my work, developing my music career, my friends, where I live, the events I performed at so far. It makes sense cuz if you do not understand the importance of gratitude you will never obtain prosperity. So be greatfull for what you have now.

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