Sunday, September 13, 2009

The greatest responsibility in 7646.

Im layin in bed and feel sad. I lost alot of friends to the death and my closest friend, my father. My family (my mother, youngest sister, 2nd oldest sister) is really strange with me, since I do not have the immediate cash or wealth they posses at this moment. I am gratefull everyday, cuz the more Im hustlin and pushing my cd sales in the street, the more I come across people, friends & fans who look up to me and supports me. Thats when I realize that I got a responsibility towards them. Their words of encouragement motivates me to push harder cuz Im so close. I understand now that Miztah Naztaljah & I must lead the way in 7646.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

FHFM 89.5 birthday party.

Its Saturday and I am on my way to my homie Miztah Naztaljah. We are goin to FHFM for the birthday party since they are celebrating their two years in broadcasting. We are going to rock em with songs from my album R301. I am looking forward to it and we are going to party.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

No "RAINBOW" here?

Today was really an exciting day filled with a surge of energy and enligtenment. People really responded positively to my cd and they pray GODS richest blessings for my career. Thank you JESUS for sending people like them on my path. I met up with two of my friends who is also rappers earlier today in Edube. An area in a township known as Mbekweni. We spoke about our country and the history that was and is taught to us is not actually our history. According me, Mdakanayza and Qhubeka. Now my friends are two consciousness rappers that raps in their mother tongue which is Xhosa. The countries ruling party is Xhosa and Zulu. Now I dont have a problem with them ruling, but its almost like Soweto is South Africa. What bout the youth and freedom fighters who was murdered in the other provinces? Why do we in the rest of the country not receive the same opportunities? Is it a case of thank you we dont need you no more? They and I shared the same thoughts of how us as blacks, specifically my people was literally murdered and how the slavery really messed up our society. Now its just reversed and legal cuz they hide behind words like democracy. If Malema can be in such a powerful position, get paid from taxpayers money and be stupid, then I can be Mzansiz next president. How ironic in these days.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Im watching tv which seldom occurs. My wife is asleep, tired of managing the business where she is employed. Its great to be a South African, but there is alot of challenges especially if you are a "so called" coloured, also known as hotnot. The racial slurs used in the days of slavery better known as Apartheid. Alot of people do not know what my anchestors, the Khoi, had to go thru before that and up til now. The affect the Jan van Riebeecks, Verwoerds, Bothas, etc had on my people. We are judged because we are not dark enough, and that we speak Afrikaans, but no one says, "Hey! This is also their land. Their anchestors have been murdered and raped." According to some of my fellow South Africans am I and my people not African. Since we do not speak in a indegionous language. Now our youth have no direction. People do not know that the inmates at the correctional establishment is mostly "so called" coloured. What has happened to our people? Where is my people? Murdered? Living in poverty? No hope? I wonder when we will be free?

The importance of GRATITUDE is so real.

I just read a blog post of Ty Cohen. Man he always inspires and motivates me. I wanted my wife to read it, but due to her past injuries, her ankle is giving her problems again. She is in so much pain. So let me share this thought with you while I'm rubbing her ankle, cuz I'm so grateful to have such an intellegent and hard working wife, mother and friend. Its true what Ty said. Gratitude lets you advance in life. What are you grateful for? Im grateful for my wife, my son, Coded Records, releasing my cd, the sales I made so far for my cd, the fact that I have to walk long distances to do my work, developing my music career, my friends, where I live, the events I performed at so far. It makes sense cuz if you do not understand the importance of gratitude you will never obtain prosperity. So be greatfull for what you have now.

A purposeful journey.

Im standing in Edube on my way to Siya. He bugged me for a copy of my ep so I have been trying to get a hold of him. I wonder where all these cars, SUV's, bakkies, trucks and taxis are off to? R301 takes us all on a journey. Seems like our journey is like these vehicles. We also get flat tyres, our engines overheats or we are stuck without petrol. It makes me realise the purpose of my journey. A difficult one, but one that I will remember when I reach my destination.

Charged to push harder!

Im at my friend Mdakanayza. Just came his way before I will hit the streets again. I need to make sales to move to the southern suburbs in Cape Town. This is all for my music career. I gots alot of plans, ma ai alles benodig geld lately! That made me think and I just smile cuz I'm gratefull for all I have for I know I'm on my way. I am not only a musician. Im an entreperneur, a visionary. Oh I got a call from Bj earlier. They hosting a party for their 2nd birthday so I had to do a shout out. It was nice of them to ask me. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY FHFM. Before I logged in Blogger, I was checking my inbox and doin the usual usual. I received a notification on my status. Thankx alot Schalky! I appreciate it alot. It is friends like you that motivates me alot!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Show me the way!

You heard me. Show me the way. The way 2 be successful in the music industry. Ty Cohen says use a blueprint. Emulate what other successful entreperneurs have done to achieve success like Jay Z, Nas, 50 Cent, Ludacris just to name a few. I came accross Tech 9 one of the most successful indie artists. One million copies sold! His company made a turn- over of $11 million! Yor die man is ryk. Lol. He motivated me. Im just going to push harder! Staying focussed with a surge of energy! I know that Im closer then what Ive been last year. Im relaxing with my greatest motivator and believer on the couch. She gets beautiful everyday. Thankx Megan. You mean alot to me. It is 19h46 in Newton, South Africa.

Just another day hustlin in R301

Just arrived at home. No sales made of my cd today. Is this a joke? This Cape Town weather is crazy. Its damn cold and wet now so my wife is cuddling in bed. She just reminded me about the potjie. Potjie? Google "Potjiekos" and you will know what I mean. She just reminded me also why I must push my cd sales. Yor I was sick last week and that had an affect on my sales since the launch of my ep R301 on the 29th of August 2009. What a launch it was though. No one realizes how much effort I put into it. It felt everything went wrong. The sound company cancelled on us and it was a feeling of doubt in my mind. Everything worked out great eventually. I made sales, handed out autographs, took pics. It was great interacting with my fans. Now 2 weeks passed and no sales at my side. I wonder why no one on da street dont want to buy and the strange thing is that I know em. Damn not even my family. I so do need 2 make cd sales and hope this week will deliver.